Discover the History of Hoi An at the Old House of Tan Ky

Old House of Tan Ky in Hoi An is renowned as one of the oldest and most beautiful historical homes in the area, boasting a collection of precious antiques that attract tourists from all over. Recognized as a National Heritage site, Tan Ky Ancient House is hailed as a "living museum," preserving the distinctive architectural style of traditional Hoi An homes with remarkable authenticity.

Location: 101 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Minh An Ward, Hoi An, Quang Nam, Vietnam (click here to open google map)

Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

Introducing Tan Ky ancient house in Hoi An

The Tan Ky Old House stands as a cherished landmark in Hoi An, offering a window into the town's rich cultural heritage and architectural legacy. This historical site invites visitors to appreciate the traditions and craftsmanship of past generations.

Located at No. 101 Nguyen Thai Hoc in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province, the Tan Ky Ancient House dates back to the early 18th century, with a history spanning around 200 years. Built by a prosperous merchant family of Vietnamese descent, the house reflects the wealth and influence of Hoi An as a bustling trading port during that era. Strategically situated in the heart of Hoi An's Ancient Town, this residence showcases the town's role as a vibrant trading hub along the Thu Bon River.

Exploring Hoi An: Unveiling Its Timeless Charms
Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

The architecture of the Tan Ky Ancient House beautifully exemplifies the multicultural heritage of Hoi An, blending Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese influences into a unique and harmonious design. This fusion reflects the town's history as a diverse trading port where different cultures coexisted and exchanged ideas.

Originally constructed in 1741, towards the end of the 18th century, the Tan Ky Ancient House has been passed down through seven generations of the Le family. Each generation made their own contributions and modifications to the house while preserving its historical integrity and cultural significance.

By the second generation, the house was formally named Tan Ky, meaning "prosperity," reflecting the family's success in expanding trade and agricultural endeavors. Over the years, the house became not just a residence but a symbol of prosperity and heritage in Hoi An.

In 1964, the Tan Ky Ancient House faced a significant challenge during a historic flood that inundated the entire first floor. Despite this natural disaster, the house miraculously retained its architectural and cultural values, a testament to its enduring craftsmanship and resilience.

Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

In 1990, the Tan Ky Ancient House received prestigious recognition as a National Historical and Cultural Monument and was further distinguished by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage site. This accolade acknowledges the significant cultural and architectural importance of the house within the context of Vietnam's heritage and global heritage. Despite its esteemed status, the Tan Ky Ancient House remains a private residence, with the homeowner continuing to reside on the top floor. However, the lower floor has been opened to visitors, allowing guests to explore and appreciate the historical and cultural treasures preserved within this remarkable ancient house.

Unique features of Tan Ky ancient house in Hoi An

The old house has unique architecture with a combination of Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese

The Tan Ky Ancient House in Hoi An, Vietnam, is celebrated for its distinctive architectural style that beautifully blends Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese influences. This unique fusion of architectural elements reflects the multicultural heritage and historical significance of Hoi An as a vibrant trading port where diverse cultures converged and interacted.

Furniture inside Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

The living room of the Tan Ky Ancient House showcases bold Japanese architectural influences, designed according to Feng Shui principles incorporating the elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. The house is constructed in the traditional tubular style typical of Hoi An ancient town, featuring numerous compartments and separate rooms within its layout. Despite the absence of windows, the interior remains remarkably airy and cool.

Chinese architectural elements further enrich the Tan Ky Ancient House, with intricate wooden carvings, ornate lattice screens, and decorative roof tiles adding to its grandeur and charm. These elements reflect the historical connections and cultural exchanges that have shaped Hoi An's architectural heritage over the centuries.

Furniture inside Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

The Tan Ky Ancient House is crafted using precious woods as its primary construction materials, including rafters and ribs made from Lim wood, and doors crafted from jackfruit wood. These high-quality materials, along with the use of Thanh Hoa stone and Bat Trang bricks, contribute to the value and beauty of this historic home.

Additionally, Thanh Hoa stone and Bat Trang bricks, renowned for their quality and craftsmanship, are utilized in various architectural details, adding a touch of sophistication and authenticity to the Tan Ky Ancient House. These carefully selected materials not only contribute to the structural integrity of the house but also accentuate its historical and cultural significance as a fine example of traditional Vietnamese architecture.

The valuable antiques in Tan Ky House

The Tan Ky House is adorned with a captivating array of antique furniture, featuring intricately carved wooden chairs, tables, chests, and cabinets that showcase exquisite craftsmanship and traditional designs. Within its walls, the house also hosts a collection of antique ceramics and porcelain, including vases, bowls, plates, and other decorative pieces that reflect the cultural heritage of the region.

Lacquerware is another prominent antique found throughout the Tan Ky House, with items such as trays, boxes, and decorative objects beautifully crafted and adorned with layers of lacquer. These lacquerware pieces are meticulously decorated with hand-painted designs, showcasing the artistry and skill of local artisans.

Furniture inside Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

The collection of valuable antiques within the Tan Ky House significantly enriches the visitor experience, providing a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage and historical legacy of this iconic landmark in Hoi An. These carefully curated artifacts, including intricately carved furniture, antique ceramics, and lacquerware pieces, offer a tangible connection to the past, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the refined tastes and lifestyles of previous generations.

Each item within the Tan Ky House tells a story, reflecting the artistic traditions and craftsmanship prevalent in Hoi An during its bustling trading era. The presence of these antiques not only enhances the aesthetic charm of the house but also serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Vietnamese heritage.

By preserving and showcasing these valuable antiques, the Tan Ky House provides a window into the rich cultural tapestry of Hoi An, inviting visitors to step back in time and gain a deeper understanding of the town's history and significance. It is through these artifacts that the spirit of Hoi An's past comes alive, fostering a meaningful and memorable experience for all who visit this remarkable historical site.

Furniture inside Old House of Tan Ky (Source: Collected)

A few things you need to know when coming to Tan Ky ancient house in Hoi An

  • Reference ticket price: 35,000 VND/person/turn
  • Reference opening hours: From 8:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m
  • Reference tour duration: 20 minutes
  • When visiting ancient houses like Tan Ky Ancient House, it's important to adhere to certain guidelines to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience:

  • Respect the precious antiques on display by refraining from touching them to avoid causing damage.
  • Keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disturbing the homeowners and other visitors.
  • Retain your ticket stub after purchase to use during your visit to other attractions in Hoi An.
  • Groups of 8 people or more can enjoy free tour guide services and explanations at Tan Ky Ancient House.
  • Contact the tour guide at Tan Ky Ancient House or the ticket sales point for detailed insights into the historical significance of the ancient house.
  • Explore the souvenir area located at the back of the old house, where you can view and purchase unique gifts for friends and relatives.
  • Look for souvenirs printed with "Tan Ky Ancient House" in English to commemorate your visit.
  • Following these guidelines will contribute to a positive and respectful experience while exploring the cultural treasures of Tan Ky Ancient House in Hoi An.